Friday, 8 July 2016

WRF, ORR2, Infiniband, Intel

Orr2 is the HPC cluster of the UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics.

I'd like to install WRF as an aid in teaching the MSc Climate Change.

ORR2 architecture

Orr2 consists of 20 compute nodes on the following queues ('qstat -f' will show all queues):
  • 2x64.q
    compute-0-0.local, compute-0-1.local
    2 nodes with 64-cores: AMD Bulldozer/Opteron. 2.1GHz, 128GB.
  • 68nht.q
    1 node with 12 cores: Intel Nehalem. 2.66GHz, 24GB, Infiniband
    compute-1-1.local - compute-1-7.local
    7 nodes with 8 cores: Intel Nehalem. 2.4GHz, 24GB, Infiniband 
  • 6x8i.q
    compute-2-0.local - compute-2-5.local
    6 nodes with 8 cores: Intel Core2. 2.5GHz, 32GB.
  • 4x8a.q
    compute-3-0.local - compute-3-3.local
    4 nodes with 8 cores: AMD Shanghai. 2.6GHz, 32GB.
Orr2 has Intel compilers and MVAPICH (MPI over InfiniBand). The Orr2 documentation has information on using the Intel compilers with mvapich.

Download WRF, geog and libraries