Thursday 22 February 2024

National Framework for Climate Services

On the 20th of February 2024, The National Framework for Climate Services (NFCS) held its first annual meeting to present their work to multiple public and private companies. Its first and main objective is to gather and unite resources for climate user communities in Ireland.

The NFCS is developed in Ireland following the Global Framework for Climate Services introduced in 2009. Using this reference, each country can adapt the framework for their needs. Switzerland have already been developing their own version of the NFCS (National Centre for Climate Services) since 2014 and the director of the service, Angela Michiko Hama, joined us via Zoom to give an overview on their work over the past ten years.

Met Éireann, who are in charge of caring the project, divided their talk into two days. The first day, which I attended, for producers, and the second for users.

A succession of people from different companies, agencies, or universities presented their work on the different hazards that may arise in the future in floodings and landslides.

In between talks and presentation, activities were proposed and facilitated by Met the organisers. The objective of these discussions was to understand what climate producers, as ourselves, were doing and what they expected from other producers to do as well. 

The last main point of the conference, had to deal with uncertainty and how to show them. Again, they wanted to bring discussion between different actors to try and find a place where people can agree and be consistent.