Wednesday, 15 February 2017

WRF with ERA-Interim on ORR2

Next let's try to run WRF with ERA-Interim data on ORR2.

1) Log on to ORR2

2) Create a directory for these forecasts:

mkdir DATA
mkdir WPS
mkdir WRF

3) Get ECMWF ERA-Interim data:

3a) Static data doesn't change:

cd DATA/
cp /tmp/CONOR/DATA/ERA_STATIC.grib .

Surface and model-level data need to be downloaded for each forecast time.

WRF test case on ORR2

I've recompiled the WPS and WRF programs on ORR2, so you should run the test case again.

1) Log on to ORR2

2) Change into your TESTDIR WPS directory:

cd WPS

3)  Clean up your old data:

rm geogrid/*
rm metgrid/*
rm *

4) Run geogrid:

cp /tmp/CONOR/WPS/namelist.wps .
cp /tmp/CONOR/WPS/geogrid.exe .
cp /tmp/CONOR/WPS/geogrid/GEOGRID.TBL geogrid/

When it's finished running, check what has happened:

ls -rthl

You should see this file: